შრომის უსაფრთხოების მენეჯერი
2xP PRIORITY HH Recruitment
თარიღები: 16 ოქტ - 23 ოქტ
მდებარეობა: ზუგდიდი
დასაქმების ფორმა: სრული განაკვეთი
მივლინება: არა
განათლება: ბაკალავრი
ხარისხის კონტროლი, გარემოს დაცვა, უსაფრთხოება:  შრომის უსაფრთხოების ინსპექტორი შრომის უსაფრთხოების სპეციალისტი სამშენებლო, უძრავი ქონება:  მშენებლობის უსაფრთხოების ინჟინერი ადამიანური რესურსები:  შრომის კანონმდებლობის სპეციალისტი იურიდიული:  შრომის უფლებები
ელ.ფოსტა გამოხმაურებისთვის: recruitment3@hh.ge

Recruitment Agency HH (www.HH.ge)  is announcing a selection for the position of Health and Safety Manager, for one of the biggest company which operates in the manufacturing industry in Zugdidi, Georgia


Job Description

  • Conduct inspections of facilities to identify safety, health, and environmental risks, and implement corrective actions.
  • Ensure the adoption and implementation of Health and Safety Group Procedures at the local level through support and training of first-line managers.
  • Schedule and conduct routine inspections at AGG farms.
  • Prepare work instructions and induction programs for Ferrero-AGG and temporary employees, both in the field and office.
  • Develop and schedule training sessions on workplace safety and other relevant topics.
  • Monitor compliance with current legislation and stay updated.
  • Prepare ongoing H&S reports for the company and report to Central H&S and the Central team (monthly alignment meetings with AGG first-line managers and the Central team).
  • Investigate all accidents, prepare Root Cause Analysis (RCA), and record findings in the Group H&S platform ICE.
  • Monitor and identify unsafe conditions in AGG farms, report them in the Group H&S platform ICE, and implement corrective actions.
  • Prepare reports for the Group H&S platform SALC.
  • Perform other related duties as assigned.
  • Manage written rules and procedures related to Health and Safety.
  • Report assessed risks and all Health and Safety-related issues to the company director.
  • Ensure employees are provided with necessary personal protective equipment according to their work activities.
  • Conduct H&S meetings with first-line managers to organize and set corrective actions and work plans based on H&S-related tasks.

Main Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Certification from an accredited Health and Safety specialist program is desirable
  • More than one year of experience on the position of Health and Safety specialist
  • Knowledge MS Office programs
  • B2 level knowledge of English language

If you are interested, please send us your CV to this email: recruitment3@hh.ge 

Wish you good luck!