ძირითადი პარტნიორების მენეჯერი / Key Accounts Manager (TV)

თბილისი სრული განაკვეთი HRRA
მივლინება: არა
განათლება: ბაკალავრი გამოცდილება: 2 - 3 წლამდე ენები: ინგლისური, რუსული
გაყიდვები: გაყიდვები(ზოგადი), გაყიდვების მენეჯერი, ელექტრონიკა, ტექნიკა, კომპიუტერული ტექნიკა, კორპორატიული კლიენტები (B2B), საცალო კლიენტთა მომსახურება, კატეგორიის მენეჯერი

HR Recruitment Agency is seeking to recruit suitable individual for the position of Key Account Manager assigned to international brand in electronics.

Main duties and responsibilities:

  • On the basis of Unit plan makes individual plan of sales volumes and individual targets for the development of active Customer base;
  • On a weekly basis makes schedule of visits and calls to the Customers;
  • According to the schedule (and if necessary - out of schedule) regularly makes call and personal visit to existing and potential Customers, holds with them all necessary negotiations on the sales and on the procedures of payment;
  • Organizes preparation and conclusion of contracts with new Customers, if needed - renewal of contracts with existing Customers;
  • According to the Company’s procedure, provides a set of measures to verify the reliability and credibility of the Customer - potential debtors of the Company;
  • Personally takes orders of all Customers, transferring technical work (order input in the supply chain and procurement system) in sub unit performing supply chain management (SCM);
  • Keeps a record of execution and settlement of orders made by its Customers;
  • analyses the cases of returns and rejections and takes measures to prevent similar incidents in the future;
  • Conducts trainings for Customer’s staff in methods of increasing the sales effectiveness of the Company’s products;
  • Ensures timely and full repayment of accounting debts of its Customers;
  • Takes all possible measures for the immediate and complete recovery of overdue accounting debts; 
  • Conducts sales history for each Customer, moreover, accumulates all the available information about existing or potential Customers and their needs in the assigned market segment, the prospects of trade relations development with them
  • Within the frames permitted by the legislation of the Country, accumulates all available information about competitors, makes monitoring of changes in the market, offers operational response to the actions of competitors;
  • Upon the request of the Company’s Management, assesses the prospects for sales in the assigned market segment, prepares proposals for adjusting the product range and prices;
  • With agreement of the Management, works on sales promotion, implement special discount or bonuses programs, and other commercial campaigns;
  • Constantly improves its skills through the existing required and optional training programs in the Company, improves and develops knowledge of antitrust laws of the Country;
  • Provides timely and accurate registration of all prescribed reports and other working documents;
  • Keeps confidentiality regarding commercial secrets and information obtained while carrying out its duties in the Company, including information related and about Company, its affiliates and Customers;
  • Complies with labour regulations, and the requirements set by other internal regulations and acts of the Company.

Job Requirements:

  • Degree in Business/Economics or Engineering
  • At least two years of experience in Sales or related area 
  • Advanced knowledge of Excel
  • Fluency in Georgian, English, and intermediate Russian

Other Requirements:

  • Smart & good at numbers
  • Hardworking
  • Details oriented & accurate
  • Team player
  • Able to work under stress


How to Apply / Additional Information:

If you feel you have the required skills and experience to fulfill this role please send your CV in English to the following e-mail address: project27@hr.ge