ტენდერი-გურიის რეგიონში განხორციელებული პროექტის შუალედური შეფასებისთვის

თბილისი CENN
მივლინება: არა
ტენდერი/კონკურსი: ტენდერი
CENN, within the EU-funded project "Green Guria", is seeking qualified organizations to conduct a mid-term evaluation of the project that is being implemented in the Guria Region. 

Objective of the assignment: The mid-term evaluation is both summative and formative. It is summative in the sense that it aims to assess accountability in terms of achieved results (intended and unintended, direct and indirect, positive and negative, and at output, outcome, and/or overarching goal level). At the same time, the evaluation is formative as it is aimed to contribute to learning for the remaining time of the project as well as future similar interventions. 

For more details. Please see the ToR in the attached file. 

Deadline: Submit your technical proposal, CVs, and budget by October 25, 2024. 

Please send any questions as well as your complete offer to the following email addresses:

მიმაგრებული ფაილი: გადმოწერა