ინფორმაციული უსაფრთხოების უფროსი ანალიტიკოსი

თბილისი სრული განაკვეთი Hash Bank
მივლინება: არა
უშიშროება/დაცვა: ინფორმაციის უსაფრთხოება
Hash Bank is a digital bank with the goal of creating a modern, customer-oriented, revolutionary product that changes the perception of the banking industry. We are looking for experienced, motivated individuals with a strong work ethic and a solid sense of corporate culture who are ready to take on new challenges and join our team.
Position: Senior Information Security Analyst

Key Responsibilities:
  • Monitor security event logs, network traffic, and security system alerts from various sources like SIEM, NG-Firewalls, WAF, EDR/XDR, PAM, and DLP.
  • Investigate security alerts and anomalies, and escalate issues to the appropriate teams when necessary.
  • Lead the identification, containment, and mitigation of security incidents.
  • Work with incident responders to conduct root cause analysis and create reports with actionable recommendations.
  • Document incidents thoroughly, including findings, recommendations, and incident resolution.
  • Coordinate with cross-functional teams for containment measures and system restoration.
  • Conduct post-incident root cause analysis to identify how incidents occurred and propose recommendations to prevent future occurrences.
  • Respond immediately to cybersecurity incidents and take preventive measures to prevent recurrence.
  • Install, configure, and manage security tools such as SIEM, UEBA, and SOAR.
  • Fine-tune alerts and event correlation rules within the SIEM to reduce false positives.
  • Continuously enhance security monitoring by configuring the above-mentioned security tools.
  • Integrate the systems implemented in the bank with the above-mentioned security tools.
  • Carry out appropriate configurations to reduce and/or eliminate identified cybersecurity risks; involve relevant structural units or redirect issues to them if necessary.
  • Develop and deploy detection mechanisms for new and emerging security threats.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest threats, vulnerabilities, and attack techniques.
  • Share findings with security teams and implement best practices based on intelligence reports.
  • Create detailed incident reports and participate in post-incident reviews to improve future responses.
  • Generate regular reports and metrics on SOC operations, incidents, and trends.
  • Prepare reports on performed tasks/functions and present them to the supervisor.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams such as CyberSecurity, IT, DevOps, and Compliance to improve security practices across the organization.
  • Mentor information security analysts and provide security training to various teams.
  • Stay updated on the latest security technologies, trends, and certifications.
  • Participate in establishing the best practices of cybersecurity within the bank.
  • Actively participate in developing cybersecurity risk training programs and conduct them as necessary to raise awareness among the bank's employees.

Required Skills and Qualifications:
  • 3+ years of experience in SOC, incident detection and response, or cybersecurity operations.
  • 3+ years of experience with SIEM platforms (e.g., Splunk, QRadar, ArcSight).
  • Familiarity with security tools such as NG-Firewalls, WAF, EDR/XDR, PAM, and DLP.
  • Understanding of TCP/IP, network security, firewall technologies, and IDS/IPS systems.
  • Experience with scripting and automation (e.g., Python, Bash) is a plus.
  • Exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to quickly assess security alerts, distinguish between false positives and true threats, and take appropriate actions.
  • Hands-on experience responding to security incidents, including investigating and mitigating threats such as malware infections, phishing attacks, and network intrusions.

Soft Skills:
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication.
  • Team player with a proactive attitude and a continuous learning mindset.

If you are interested, please send your CV/resume to career@hashbank.ge. The application deadline is September 24, 2024.

Additional Information:
We hereby inform you that JSC 'Hash Bank' processes personal data of candidates to assess their suitability for current vacancies, in compliance with the requirements outlined in the Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection. Candidate information may also be processed to assess suitability for future vacancies, with data retention not exceeding 3 years. Processing of special categories of data provided by candidates is contingent upon the nature of their employment obligations and relationship, including final employment decisions. Should you wish to exercise your rights regarding data processing, such as   rectification, erasure, or objection, please contact us via email at career@hashbank.ge. JSC 'Hash Bank' conducts candidate selection processes in accordance with anti-discrimination laws, labor regulations, and principles of equal treatment, ensuring non-discrimination on any grounds. If you suspect any form of discrimination, we encourage you to report it to us.