CRM მენეჯერი
თარიღები: 19 სექ - 08 ოქტ
მდებარეობა: თბილისი
დასაქმების ფორმა: სრული განაკვეთი
მივლინება: არა
ხელფასი: 2600 - 2700
განათლება: ბაკალავრი
ენები: ინგლისური
მარკეტინგი, რეკლამა, PR:  ზოგადი მარკეტინგი
ელ.ფოსტა გამოხმაურებისთვის:

About Helfy

Helfy is a fast-growing company that operates a digital telehealth platform connecting clients to doctors for online prescriptions and consultations. Driven by a purposeful, people-centric, humanistic approach, we aspire to be the companion of choice for managing and living with ongoing medical conditions by offering patients affordable, accessible, personalized, and speedy medical treatments. 

Helfy are looking for a passionate, creative, and experienced CRM campaign manager to join our marketing team. Responsible for planning, creating, and analyzing daily cross-channel campaigns to maximize engagement and retention efforts that directly impact the business's growth and revenue goals.


  • Manage hand-on customer communication channels such as email marketing, SMS, in-app messaging, and newsletters to keep customers engaged and informed.

  • Ideate and execute CRM strategies that encourage customer retention and loyalty.

  • Build, implement, and optimize trigger-based campaigns and lifecycle flows. 

  • Regularly monitor retention KPIs performance data and analyze results by tracking and A/B testing campaigns to guide improvements. 

  • Map the customer journey and create targeted marketing campaigns for each stage.

  • Manage and develop creative content, and marketing massaging for customer communications.

  • Develop and maintain reports and dashboards to track CRM marketing effectiveness.


  • 3 years of experience in CRM or lifecycle marketing,  customer conversion, and retention in B2C marketing roles in an e-commerce environment.

  • Hands-on experience with marketing automation platforms like Hubspot, Braze, Klavyo, or similar.

  • Strong analytical skillsdata-driven marketer with the ability to optimize performance based on data. Applied use of functions like Pivot Tables and Vlookups.

  • Implementation experience with new marketing engagement tools.

  • Familiarity with Excel/Tableau/Data Studio/Mixpanel. 

  • Project management skills with exceptional attention to detail and problem-solving skills.

  • A fast learner who is motivated, innovative, and a self-starter with a "can do" attitude.

  • Collaborative and able to interact with cross-functional teams, including creative, content, and developers.

  • Campaign management with hands-on capabilities from A to Z.

  • High-Level English is Required. 

  • French and German speakers - Significant advantage.

Additional Information:

  • Location: Nutsubidze street, Tbilisi, Georgia (on-site)

  • Working hours: Monday - Friday 9 AM - 6 PM

  • Salary: $1000

  • Multicultural team that provides a platform to interact with native speakers from various parts of the world, including Germany, the UK, Israel, Sweden, and Turkey.

If you are eager to work in a rapidly expanding telemedicine company and provide the best customer service, please send your resume to:
We look forward to reviewing your application and will contact you for further interviews.

Good luck!